Webcam thumbnail of Shinnecock Inlet - northeast viewWebcam thumbnail of Shinnecock Inlet - east viewWebcam thumbnail of Shinnecock Inlet - southeast viewWebcam thumbnail of Shinnecock Inlet - southwest viewWebcam thumbnail of Shinnecock Inlet - west viewLive webcam image of Shinnecock Inlet northwest view

Webcam images updated every 15 minutes - click on any image for larger version.

Sea Conditions at
Shinnecock Inlet

Long Island New York USA
Latitude 40 degrees 50.52 minutes North
Longitude 72 degrees 28.70 minutes West

A service of LIShore.

Page last updated 01/10/2025 19:35 EDT

Station status 8/18/2024: The camera has been replaced and is functioning normally.

This site is funded by donations only, which limits our ability to support it. An upgraded camera would greatly improve reliability but we need to raise about $3,000 to buy one. If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution toward the cost of an upgraded camera, please contact webmaster Tom Wilson (email:, or Click here to make an secure online donation,

Weather Observations at Light Tower "Big White" in Southampton, NY, United States of America
Time Last Updated on Mar 9 2025, 10:10 pm EDT   Maximum, last 24 hr Minimum, last 24 hr
Average wind speed 4.0 mph 34.0 mph
at 2:23pm
Wind direction West : 259 deg true    
Air temperature 40.7 deg F (4.8 deg C) 41.8 deg F (5.44 deg C)
at 5:45pm
31.0 deg F (-0.56 deg C)
at 6:06am
Barometric pressure 29.864 in Hg (1011.3 mbar) 29.951 in Hg (0 mbar)
at 8:46am
29.812 in Hg (0 mbar)
at 2:44pm
Barometer - 1 hour trend Steady    

Weather Forecast for Shinnecock Inlet Southampton, NY


Tonight: Partly Cloudy
Partly Cloudy
Lo 36 °F

Monday: Sunny
Hi 57 °F
Monday Night: Mostly Clear
Mostly Clear
Lo 36 °F

Tuesday: Sunny
Hi 52 °F
Tuesday Night: Partly Cloudy
Partly Cloudy
Lo 34 °F

Wednesday: Mostly Sunny
Mostly Sunny
Hi 45 °F

Phase of the Moon

Sunrise: 07:11 AM EDT
Sunset: 06:54 PM EDT


  1. Real-time data are unchecked and preliminary. Please read this disclaimer.
  2. The Storm Surge model is under development and predictions for sea level height are for research purposes only. They should never be used for navigational purposes or emergency planning under any circumstances.
  3. MSL = measurement referenced to Mean Sea Level. Seasonal and weather system biases highly affect estuarine water levels, therefore the MSL datum for this station is preliminary until data are collected over a sufficient length of time to define it accurately.
  4. Inlet camera supported by crowdfunding - Click here to donate.
  5. Sensors supported by the Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program.
  6. Weather forecast provided by the US National Weather Service in Upton, NY.

Current Radar over Long Island
Click on image to enlarge.

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Data may be unchecked and preliminary, for further information read this disclaimer

Stony Brook logoLIShore is a project of the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences at Stony Brook University in collaboration with the LIShore partners.

Tom Wilson (email: welcomes your comments or questions regarding this web site.

Copyright 2025 School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, All Rights Reserved | SoMAS, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-5000, USA
latest.php was last modified: August 22 2024 21:56:28