Sea Conditions at
Long Island, New York USA

40.899722o N -72.339722o W

Latitude 40 degrees 53.59 minutes North
Longitude 72 degrees 20.23 minutes West

A service of LIShore.

Page last updated 12/31/1969 18:00 CST

Station status 9/13/2024: The Mecox system is operating at reduced functionality pending a renewed intergovernmental agreement.
Crescent Avenue, Flying Point Rd, and the mid-bay floating platform are not operating.
The weather station at Scott Cameron Beach is functioning properly. We regret any inconvience.

Weather Observations at Scott Cameron Beach.
Time Last Updated on Sep 20 2024, 8:40 pm EDT   Maximum, last 24 hr Minimum, last 24 hr
Average wind speed 13.0 mph 26.0 mph
at 12:42pm
Wind direction North : 360 deg true    
Air temperature 65.0 deg F (18.3 deg C) 72.6 deg F (22.56 deg C)
at 12:06pm
65.0 deg F (18.33 deg C)
at 8:38pm
Barometric pressure 29.993 in Hg (1015.7 mbar) 29.996 in Hg (0 mbar)
at 8:37pm
29.870 in Hg (0 mbar)
at 12:01am
Barometer - 1 hour trend Steady    

Phase of the Moon

Sunrise: 06:37 AM EDT
Sunset: 06:53 PM EDT


  1. Real-time data are unchecked and preliminary. Please read this disclaimer.

Current Radar over Long Island
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latest.php was last modified: September 13 2024 14:24:31