Southampton Webcam 3
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Conditions at

Stony Brook Southampton, Shinnecock Hills, New York USA

Latitude 40.884545o North
Longitude 72.441919o West

A service of LIShore

Page generated 04/28/2024 03:14:22 EDT

Station status 12/8/2023:

Weather Observations at Southampton Marine Station
Time 04/28 03:14 EDT Maximum, last 24 hr Minimum, last 24 hr
Average wind speed 14 mph 6 mph
at 04/27 20:00
Wind gust 12 mph 5 mph
at 04/27 20:00
Wind direction ENE : 73 deg true    
Air temperature 42.6 deg F (5.9 deg C) 42.6 deg F (5.9 deg C)
at 04/27 20:00
42.6 deg F (5.9 deg C)
at 04/27 20:00
Relative humidity 96 % 96 %
at 04/27 20:00
96 %
at 04/27 20:00
Barometric pressure 30.11 in Hg (1020 mbar) 30.11 in Hg (1020 mbar)
at 04/27 20:00
30.11 in Hg (1020 mbar)
at 04/27 20:00
Barometric pressure trend Steady    
Heat index 42.6 deg F (5.9 deg C) 42.6 deg F (5.9 deg C)
at 04/27 20:00
Wind chill 36 deg F (2.2 deg C)   36 deg F (2.2 deg C)
at 04/27 20:00
Tide at Southampton Marine Station
See note below regarding MSL reference.
Time ND EST Maximum, last 24 hr Minimum, last 24 hr
Water level 0.00 m (0.00 ft) MSL