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Conditions at
Stony Brook University Stony Brook, New York USA

40.89497o North, 73.124197

Latitude 40o53.7' North
Longitude 73o7.4' West

A service of LIShore.

Page last updated 03/09/2025 21:48 EDT

Station now reporting in zone local (EDT/EST).
Heat index and wind chill displays have been added.
Weather Observations at Lot 40 (South P) Soccer Building
Time 03/09 21:47 EDT Maximum, last 24 hr Minimum, last 24 hr
Average wind speed 2 mph 1 mph
at 03/09 20:51
Wind gust 25 mph 11 mph
at 03/10 11:26
Wind direction WSW : 248 deg true    
Air temperature 43.3 deg F (6.3 deg C) 46.9 deg F (8.3 deg C)
at 03/09 20:00
43.3 deg F (6.3 deg C)
at 03/09 21:35
Relative humidity 43 % 43 %
at 03/09 21:28
38 %
at 03/09 20:00
Barometric pressure 30.09 in Hg (1019 mbar) 30.09 in Hg (1019 mbar)
at 03/09 21:47
30.06 in Hg (1018 mbar)
at 03/09 20:00
Barometric pressure trend Rising    
Rainfall last 24 hours 0    
Heat index 43.3 deg F (6.3 deg C) 46.9 deg F (8.3 deg C)
at 03/09 20:00
Wind chill 43.3 deg F (6.3 deg C)   41.5 deg F (5.3 deg C)
at 03/09 21:27

Weather Forecast for Stony Brook, NY


Tonight: Partly Cloudy
Partly Cloudy
Lo 38 °F

Monday: Sunny
Hi 59 °F
Monday Night: Mostly Clear
Mostly Clear
Lo 36 °F

Tuesday: Sunny
Hi 55 °F
Tuesday Night: Mostly Clear
Mostly Clear
Lo 37 °F

Wednesday: Mostly Sunny
Mostly Sunny
Hi 49 °F

Phase of the Moon

Sunrise: 07:11 AM EDT
Sunset: 06:54 PM EDT


  1. Real-time data are unchecked and preliminary. Please read this disclaimer.
  2. Weather forecast provided by the US National Weather Service in Upton, NY.
  3. Email your comments to and help us keep LIShore running.
    Thanks to those who have already written.

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