Lindenhurst station location

Lindenhurst station location.

Sea Conditions at
Long Island, New York USA

40.66913o N -73.3551o W

Latitude 40 degrees 40.2 minutes North
Longitude 73 degrees 21.4 minutes West

A service of LIShore.

Page last updated 03/09/2025 22:25 EDT

Station status: Station operating normally.

Weather Forecast for Lindenhurst, NY


Tonight: Mostly Clear
Mostly Clear
Lo 39 °F

Monday: Sunny
Hi 60 °F
Monday Night: Mostly Clear
Mostly Clear
Lo 37 °F

Tuesday: Sunny
Hi 52 °F
Tuesday Night: Mostly Clear
Mostly Clear
Lo 39 °F

Wednesday: Mostly Sunny
Mostly Sunny
Hi 49 °F

Phase of the Moon

Sunrise: 07:11 AM EDT
Sunset: 06:54 PM EDT


  1. The Storm Surge model is under development and predictions for sea level height are for research purposes only. They should never be used for navigational purposes or emergency planning under any circumstances.
  2. Tide instrument 01309225 operated by and data courtesy of the New York Water Resources Division of the United States Geological Survey.
  3. Weather forecast provided by the US National Weather Service in Upton, NY.
  4. Real-time data are unchecked and preliminary. Please read this disclaimer.

Current Radar over Long Island
Click on image to enlarge.

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